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One-Point Scoring System
The One-Point Scoring System removes ambiguity from grappling match scoring.  Use of a single point removes any advantages of differing wrestling, throwing, or grappling styles that are inherently present in varying point designation scoring systems.  The One-Point System is position and submission based.  Successful takedowns and positioning are equally rewarded while rewarding submission attempts with the potential to accumulate points that contribute to the final match score.  Competitor activity is encouraged by the stalling competitor potentially providing points to opponents for idleness.  The rewards for activity from any position leads to more active, fairly scored, and exciting matches.
Point Designation & Award


One Full Point is designated by a referee pointing upward at ~45 degrees with the color designated arm (red or blue) of the competitor that scored the point.  The scoring action will be announced by the referee.

  • Successful Takedown or Throw: The affected competitor must remain on the floor with a thrower initiated technique, with 3 or more points of contact, prone, or supine for 3 seconds, for the technique to be credited as a successful takedown or throw.  

  • Advancement to a dominant position or transition from a less dominant position to a more dominant position. Positions must be secured for 3 seconds before a point is awarded.

Position Hierarchy

Least Dominant

  • Side Control - any position where the legs of the attacker do not break the plane of the defender’s body (ie. standard side control, scarf hold, etc.) & North/South Position

  • Knee on Belly – Any position where one leg breaks the plane of the defender’s body but does not cross to the other side of the body of the defender.

  • Full Mount – Any position where one leg of the attacker breaks the plain of the defender’s body and passes to the other side of the body with the attacker’s body mostly centered on top of the defender (low, high, S/Z-mount, Fatman, etc.)

  • Back – Hooks or body triangle must be secured to earn a point

Most Dominant


  • A point will be awarded for transitioning from a less dominant position to a more dominant position.  

  • Points will not be awarded to a competitor that is in a dominant position that ends up in a less dominant position as a result of a scramble for position or a successful escape of their opponent. 

  • Competitors previously in a dominant position will gain a point if he/she regains a different or the same dominant position after a successful escape attempt of their opponent.

Repeated Positions

Unless accompanied by a submission attempt, points will not be awarded to a competitor that regains the same dominant position after willingly transitioning to a less dominant position. 

  • Referees will signal a repeated position by crossing both arms in front of their chest indicating that no point will be awarded.

  • A competitor will become eligible to earn points by regaining a willingly relinquished dominant position after either competitor scores an advantage point, a full point, or the opponent escapes from the less dominant position.



One Advantage Point is designated by a referee by pointing downward ~45 degrees with the color designated arm (red or blue) of the competitor that scored the advantage with point.  The scoring action will be announced by the referee.         

  • Attempted Takedown or Throw where opponent must defend or be taken down.  The takedown or throw must apply sufficient leverage position to trap, off-balance, and redirect the defender.  A takedown or throw that results in the opponent having three points of contact on the floor but does not remain grounded for three seconds will result in an advantage point being awarded.

  • Attempted submission where opponent must defend/escape or be submitted.  The submission must have the potential to generate proper leverage and in a suitable position to threaten submission of the defender.


Warnings:  Warnings can be issued with no point penalty for minor infractions.

  • Stalling:  Occurs when a competitor purposely delays progression of the match by maintaining a position for an extended period without any attempt of improving position or submission attempts.  Failure to engage, purposely avoiding, or disengaging from an opponent for no reason qualifies as stalling.

    • Referees will verbally notify the stalling competitor.  The referee will count 10 seconds accompanied by horizontal hand motions ~90 degrees from the referee’s chest with the color designation (red or blue) of the stalling competitor(s).

    • If the stalling is not resolved, point penalty will be awarded to the opponent.

Point Penalties: A Full Point or Advantage Point will be awarded to the participant the foul was committed against at the discretion of the referee based upon the degree of the infraction.  Points can be awarded to the opponent of the offender for repeating actions that resulted in a warning (i.e. multiple stalling warnings that did not result in a point penalty).

Disqualification Penalty: A competitor can be disqualified at the discretion of the Referee for unsportsmanlike conduct, flagrant violation of the rules, blatant actions that could result in participant injury, continued violation of rules, or any other disruptive or inappropriate conduct. Coaches are held to the same standards as competitors.  Disruptive or inappropriate conduct of coaches can result in disqualification of the competitor.



Advantage Point Conversion to Points:  One (1) full point will be awarded at the end of the match for every three (3) Advantage Points.


Match Score:  Full Point (FP) / Advantage Point (AP)

The final score after AP points are awarded determines the winner

  • The match is 3/0 – 2/4 = 3/0 – 3/1  The winner will be the participant with the raw score of 2/4 because there is no tie after AP points are awarded.


If a tie results after AP points are awarded, the following rules are in effect:

  • If the raw scores do not match, but the final score results in a tie (3/0 – 2/3 = 3/0 – 3/0) The winner will be determined by a 2 minute overtime for all divisions.  The score will be reset to 0/0 – 0/0.

  • If the raw scores are equal (ie. 3/5 – 3/5 = 4/2 – 4/2) a two-minute overtime for all divisions will determine the winner.  The score will be reset to 0/0 – 0/0.

  • If a tie still exists after overtime, the Referee will determine the winner based solely on the overtime match performance.


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